As I have visited different blog sites and had other people comment on some of mine, I have noticed folks with a wide range of relationships - some good, some bad, some close, some long-distance. And among them I have seen an equally wide range of emotions over those relationships - some happily in love and others so sad it makes me want to cry. So what makes a good relationship, in your opinion, and what are realistic expectations to have of someone you call your one and only? Because, this too, seems to vary for some couples. I'm anxious to hear people's thoughts.

on Aug 29, 2004
A good relationship....Humm.....well if you are really good friends with another and you like them and they care for you as much as you do them, I think you could have a good relationship. Someone who's loving and caring and doesn't care what you are but who you are.

on Aug 30, 2004
You realize that you're asking the million dollar question, right?

I don't believe that there is a simple answer to that subject. It's way too complex. Lord knows, there've been volumes of books written on the subject. What's funny is, some of the authors ended up getting divorce.
Kind of makes you question their credibility, doesn't it?
Believe it or not, but there are many marriage counselers that get divorced.

So..............who are the experts on the subject of relationships?

If I could throw in one small peace of advice that might help relationships thrive, it is, "To never give up working at it" and "never take your partner for granted."

Good luck in your quest for happiness.