Congratulations to my friends (they know who they are so I won't embarrass them by naming names) who have decided to have a commitment ceremony and set a date for later this year. It couldn't happen to a nicer couple and I'm very happy for you both!! You make a terrific couple and solidifying your relationship in this way will only enrich it. May you both share happiness, joy, eternal hope and love forever!!! I love you guys!!! P.S. I guess I lost the bet. But you know me - I'll make good ...
Ever hear a song and no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to get it out of your mind? That's what's happening with me right now. A couple nights ago "There's Something About Mary" aired on one of the cable networks. It had been quite some time since I'd seen it and I happened to catch the tail end of it, including the main song that played over the credits and outakes. And since then, I simply cannot shake it, even having heard tons of other songs since then. For anyone unfamil...
Here's something to think about... If you could spend one year in perfect happiness, but afterward would remember nothing of the experience, would you do it? If so, why? And if not, why not? Anyone want to converse on this topic?
Do you believe in ghosts or evil spirits? Have you personally ever had an experience with a ghost? Would you be willing to spend a night alone in a remote house that is supposedly haunted?